Hi Reader,
Short but sweet one this weekend: still in near-peak liminality myself. I just signed a lease for a new apartment post-hurricane, but it's totally empty so I'm off to thrift. Wish me luck!
This week on the blog, I address a conundrum prompted by a coaching conversation: what do you do when you've identified your dream but it feels like you may need to settle for something less because you'll run out of time to get there? This is another form of scarcity mindset, and a particularly insidious one too. Here's what I recommend. What would you add?
BTW, I'm not immune to this at all. Knowing that you're in a liminal space and even working as a liminal zone guide doesn't negate all the feels... it means I have tools to address them, thankfully. I can't tell you the number of times I've had to deploy those tools in the past couple of months. Sometimes as a shield against others' best intended sentiments: Do you know how hard it is to find housing here right now? If you don't take this, where else will you go? And often against my own initial reactions.
Speaking of tools, ICYMI, the mantra I say to myself in hard times.
Oh and there's still time to join The Art of Getting Unstuck, which is all about empowering you with a bunch of tools, approaches, and mind-shifts to help you make the important things happen, whether that's a new job or career, a new home, or something arguably more fundamental, like reinventing your relationship with exercise or a loved one. We had a soft start group coaching call this week and such a great conversation about our hopes and what's holding us back. One more chance for a soft start conversation coming up on December 12th (book by the 11th), and then we kick off on the 31st. I hope to see you there!
Have a great weekend,